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Product Lead
M.E. Electrical & Computer Engineering (Hons), University of Auckland
B.A. Physics, Franklin & Marshall College

John is Founder and Protector of the SolarNetwork Foundation, supporter of the SolarNetwork® Platform, a key building block for Ecogy’s energy management platform. The SolarNetwork Platform is an enterprise-class Open Source software platform focused on the capture, storage, visualization and analysis of real-time renewable energy data. John is a skilled industry veteran who has been working in and around the solar industry for over 10 years. His experience in design, deployment, configuration, solar asset management, solar business processes,combined with R&D and future looking vision make him an essential member of the Ecogy Energy team.

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Who is John?

Outside of Ecogy, John Gorman is an avid lover and explorer of the environment, taking advantage of the beautiful scenery around him in New Zealand and constantly finding new wildlife to share with the team.

The photo to the right was taken by John and shows off the spectacular Blue Pinkgill, which is the mushroom present on the New Zealand $50 note.