Ecogy’s Identity Access Management System (IAM) makes vital DER data more secure and easy to track for Utilities by creating secured web-portals that can be thought of as “Digital Twins” for each of your DER assets.

These Digital Twins each have a unique URL and contain publicly accessible live data as well as APIs that enable remote interaction and control for suitably authenticated and authorized parties leveraging the latest best practice security techniques.

Access our Digital Twin for our 1.67 MW Ground-Mount for WHA (Wilmington Housing Authority)


In addition to the publicly displaying available info, Ecogy’s IAM allows for restricted access to private data and secure command structures for remote issuing of commands to DER (e.g. rather than using DNP3 to provide remote shutdown of the above WHA project, the Delmarva utility could have issued its shutdown command via our secure JSON based REST service with a token key pair that we would issue to them specifically for this project).

All of this represents a possible near future for Utilities as DER become more prominent on the grid. The cost of deploying this infrastructure is low, it's core is non-proprietary (i.e. open source and hence shareable across the industry as a common easily leveraged tool), it is highly functional, it is secure (by virtue of always using the latest and best security practices) and it can be deployed on any public or private IP based networks (depending on the Utilities security requirements, different physical network technologies may be utilized to address different organization level security policies within a particular Utility). 

Ecogy is here to help make it happen, for more information fill out the form below.